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convertaddress coin from to_address_format

The convertaddress method converts an input address to a specified address format.

For example, this method can be used to convert a BCH address from legacy to cash address format and vice versa.

Or this can be used to convert an ETH address from single to mixed case checksum format.

coinstringthe name of the coin address context
fromstringinput address
to_address_formatobjectaddress format to which the input address should be converted
to_address_format.formatstring (enum)address format to which the input address should be converted, possible values: mixedcase for ETH/ERC20 coins; cashaddress or standard for UTXO coins
to_address_format.networkstring (enum)network prefix for cashaddress format. Possible values: bitcoincash for BCH mainnet; bchtest for BCH testnet; bchreg for BCH regtest

result.addressstringthe result of address conversion